

The term "Hanul" is not a legal term, but the term we use for the purpose of our website, and thus should not be recognized as a legal term nor be used as a term indicating a single company or group companies. 

The information and data in this website provided by Hanul are based strictly on the fact for the purpose of offering accurate and authoritative information to users of this website. However, the information contained in our website is broad and thus should not be considered as solutions to individual cases for their specific legal, accounting or tax issues. Hanul does not guarantee reliability or quality of information. 

Hanul has no obligation to revise the contents of information, material or services contained in this website including link, download, FAQ, and information distributed through this website, but may improve or replenish this website at our discretion.

In addition, Hanul does not take any responsibility in any case for direct, indirect, accidental, punitive, or derivative damages made in reliance on the information and services contained in this site.

Through certain links in this site, users of our website may connect to other sites maintained by other third parties unrelated to Hanul, over which Hanul does not have any control. We suggest that the users should act at their discretion, and that Hanulwill not bear any responsibility for any consequence of the users.

Hanul respects rights of other parties such as intellectual property right and assumes that all users will do the same.

Hanul may take measures to restrict use of site services without prior notice in the case where a user infringes other people's right or is in breach of any condition.