Safeguarding Top Talent Is Key for Making Mergers Succeed

Safeguarding Top Talent Is Key for Making Mergers Succeed

Safeguarding Top Talent Is Key for Making Mergers Succeed

Banks merge because of the obvious benefits—longer client lists, greater real estate holdings, stronger intellectual property, and wider market share, among others. While there is no denying the positives of a merger and acquisition (M&A), a common downside is that change can disengage and drain your talent pool if not managed correctly. It is critical through this unstable transition period that the best talent engage in the transition process, be informed about the long-term vision of the new company, and that business continuity and quality service not be compromised. Complicating matters is that while the window of time to pull off an M&A agreement often is very brief, a long period of employee uncertainty may precede regulatory approval.

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