
Anthony Danquah

Partner, CA(G);
Crowe Veritas

Anthony is a chartered accountant and a founding partner of Veritas Associates. He has over twenty-eight (28) years post qualification public practice experience. Anthony previously worked with Pannell Kerr Forster as manager for 5 years.

He has carried out audits in sectors including banking, shipping, mining and energy, donor-funded projects, insurance, health, manufacturing and commerce. He also has vast experience in corporate tax and tax advisory services.

He was lead consultant for scoping mission for the Identification of The Crucial Role of Ghana Audit Service in the Public Financial Management process and also for the Determination of Support by KFW to provide needed assistance to the Service.

Anthony is a hands-on professional with immense experience in various accounting software for provision of accountancy and payroll services and is partner in charge of business services and outsourcing.

He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana and the Chartered Institute of Taxation, Ghana.