Business Valuation

Business Valuation

It is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner’s interest in any company.

The values are derived through robust financial modelling techniques and are based on a going concern premise, business assumptions and certain other variable factors.

The fair valuation of a business differs, depending upon the company’s overall financial standing within the industry, USP, financial strengths, and valuation approach used, discount rate, nature of industry, economic conditions, risk perception and scenarios.

Gather Financial Data


Assess Current Financial Performance


Conduct Valuation


Final Valuation Report


Income Statement

Cash Flow Statement

Balance Sheet

Working Capital Schedule

Depreciation Schedule

Debt & Interest Schedule

Sales Breakdown

Costs Breakdown

Efficiency Ratios

Solvency Ratios

Liquidity Ratios

Profitability Ratios

Leverage Ratios

Return on Investment Ratios

Sales Breakdown Analysis

Costs Breakdown Analysis

Verification and validation of the reasonableness of assumptions of business plan

Market multiples of comparable companies in the same industry or region.

Valuation methodology will be based on the best practice (Intrinsic- DCF/ Relative valuation- Market multiples)

Executive Summary

Market Analysis

Competition Analysis

Financial analysis and model

Business Valuation Conclusion

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