Finance & insurance deal log

Finance & insurance deal log

Gain visibility into deal details

Get a daily snapshot of each deal booked by finance and insurance (F&I), summarizing key deal data. See F&I and accounting booking dates along with each component of the recorded gross. Compare gross profit recorded in F&I and in accounting on a deal-by-deal basis.
Visibility into deals
Visibility into deal details can help improve cash flow and reporting accuracy and help alleviate month-end bottlenecks.
Manage deals from F&I to accounting with key data points to address issues as they arise. With the click of a button, you can see which deals are booked by F&I and not recorded in accounting.
Manage deals
Gain visibility into deal details
Generate a detailed listing of deals, adjustments, and other postings comprising vehicle gross profit – front and back end – that aligns to your general ledger.

Request a demo

Discover what the finance and insurance deal log module in Crowe Navigator for Dealers can do for you.